Welcome to the
Barn Quilts of Northern Vermont,
Franklin County Barn Quilt Trail


 Radiant Star on a Sheldon Barn
   There are now at least 608 barn quilts
gracing barns, homes, and other structures at 508 locations in Franklin County.  The map and  list below include all known blocks visible from public roads.  Listed GPS locations approximate the locations where the pictures were taken.  Please do not enter driveways or private property, and follow traffic safety rules when observing these works of art.  Please let us know of any errors, missing blocks, or blocks not listed at the email address above.  Enjoy!

Quilt Trail Brochure
OneWay To Make a Barn Quilt

Franklin County Barn Quilt Trail Map
Click the icon on the top left to see a menu list of towns.  Uncheck the boxes to remove a town or towns.

A Trail of Quilts, by Shannon Kane
Each a square of our own design, Colors bold, stitches painted fine.
A tribute to a special friend, Squares begin at another's end.
Friendships bound by a common thread, Quilts on homes, sheds and barns of red.
Down paved roads and driveways of gravel, Along our trail we invite you to travel.